
Lürzer Obertauern GmbH & Co KG

Sporthotel Edelweiss – 4 Star Superior

5562 Obertauern, Römerstraße 75
Salzburger Land – Austria

Gerneral manager: Harald Lürzer

Tel:  +43 6456 7245
Fax: +43 6456 7216-55

UID: ATU 334 042 05
Company register number: FN 31081h
Company register court: Landesgericht Salzburg
Behörde gem. ECG: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Tamsweg
Coporate purpose: Hotel business

Informationspflicht lt. ECG


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The Lürzer Obertauern BmgH & Co KG assumes no guarantee or liability for the accuracy, currentness and completeness of the information provided. All information is without guarantee. This also applies to all links to other URLs mentioned on our website.


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Technical realization:

Incert eTourismus GmbH & Co KG
Leonfeldner Straße 328
4040 Linz
Tel: +43 (0)732 89 00 18-0

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